i stood up and walked to the bathroom and used the toilet paper as tissue i felt a little nervous and confused but the two ply felt comfy on my nose unlike the ones in school where you have to keep pulling and pulling until you have enough toilet paper in your hand to wipe your ass or your nose and then wash your hands and because the electric hand dryer is broken you go and get more one ply toilet paper to dry your hands and then even more so you can open the door without touching the doorknob because many people dont wash their hands and you dont want to touch the germs that are on their genitals but if you are in a restroom standing there with wet hands panicking because there is nothing to dry your hands wipe them on your jeans where your ankles are because no one really looks there unless their head is fixed at a downward angle and when you need to open the door you can wait awkwardly until someone opens it for you or you can attempt to open it with your feet but you look around you before you do things like that but once you get the door open you feel proud of yourself and wonder how many people open doors with their feet to avoid touching doorknobs and this poem applies to public restrooms and doors in general